The Gathering Storm is the much-awaited twelfth installment in the Wheel of Time series. As some of you may be aware of, this latest novel was penned by fantasy author Brandon Sanderson in surrogate for the late Robert Jordan, working off the extensive notes left behind by Jordan.
The Gathering Storm is different, but not in a bad way. It feels like a Wheel of Time book once you get into it, albeit with writing that flows a little quicker. The characters are the same, the story plays out as expected. It’s definitely Wheel of Time. It’s just a little different.
Things happen. Gathering Storm sees long-expected events to completion, and for once focuses more on Rand and Egwene, who had often taken a back seat to other characters’ escapades in previous books. Egwene’s assault on the White Tower makes progress, and Rand goes through a lot of important character development. Matt and Perrin make short appearances, as do many of the other regulars.
Confrontations abound, and the dynamic scenes keep the pages turning. A few subtle clues hint at what’s to come in the next two books, and true to it’s roots, the story builds up speed until it reaches the brilliant finale and ends on a high note.
I don’t want to spoil too much, so I’ll leave it at this: The Gathering Storm is one of the better Wheel of Time novels, and Sanderson has done an amazing job. I honestly can’t wait until Towers of Midnight is released next year.
Zplane December 5th
A faster pace book will only improve this series. If Sanderson can capture the gist of Jordon’s writtings I would love for him to go back and do a rewrite of all of the books.
brian December 7th
I really hope this new author can write as well and as brilliantly as jordan has. I love The Wheel of Time series and am expecting great things. I would not mind seeing a re-write on the entire series to keep the magic alive, but you can’t say Jordan wasn’t the man with the plan.
brownskin March 7th
I thought that brandon did a great job in keeping the wheel of time story flowing as jordan would have wanted it. The only disapointment that I found was in how mat’s character was portrayed. He was always mischevious and witty but brandon seemed to make him into more of a fool or a joker. Other than that awesome!
Disappointed November 26th
I couldn’t even make myself read past the prologue. Because. This new author. Brandon Sanderson. Has this annoying habit. Of writing. Like this.
redwall_hp November 26th
You missed out. The prologue seemed a little forced, but it gets better as you go on. I don’t think. There’s as much. Of this. Later on.
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