Cover Art for A Memory of Light Released

Tor has released Michael Whelan’s covert art for the final Wheel of Time book. It has something of a resemblance to Darryl K. Sweet’s covers, but with Whelan’s own vibrancy. The level of detail is amazing, and it has, without a doubt, the best depiction of Rand to date. Harriet McDougal, Jordan’s editor and widow […]


Mistborn: Birthright RPG in Preliminary Development

Brandon Sanderson has announced that early work on a Mistborn video game is now underway by Little Orbit, with Sanderson himself writing the dialogue. It is to be a “fast-paced, action game with some RPG elements,” where you play as a Mistborn in the early days of the Final Empire. (It will take place hundreds […]


A Memory of Light Release Date Bumped, Michael Whelan to Illustrate

Tor has officially set the release date for the final Wheel of Time novel, A Memory of Light. It’s a bit later than was initially expected, at January 8, 2013. But don’t worry, it’s still going to come out in the Year of the Dragon! (The Chinese calendar is a lunar calendar, so the Dragon […]


The Amazing Spider-Man Trailer

After the unfortunate Spider-Man 3, Sony Pictures commissioned two scripts. One for a fourth film, and another for a reboot of the series. They ended up choosing to go the reboot route over continuing where Spider-Man 3 left off. The Amazing Spider-Man is an attempt to return to the Spider-Man of the comics, complete with […]


Brandon Sanderson Finishes the Final Wheel of Time Book

Yesterday morning, Brandon Sanderson tweeted that he had finished the draft of A Memory of Light, the fourteenth and final book in Robert Jordan’s Wheel of Time series. He estimates that the revision period should be six months, so the book is likely to be released in the fall of 2012, though Tor has not […]


The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey Trailer Posted

Warner Brothers has posted the announcement trailer for The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey to their YouTube channel, as of December 19th. The film, slated to be released on December 14, 2012, will be the first of the two movies planned to tell the story from Tolkien’s The Hobbit, along with some additional material from other […]


Neil Gaiman Interviews Terry Pratchett on

Author Neil Gaiman recently interviewed Sir Terry Pratchett, following the release of Snuff, and the resulting dialogue has been published on It’s worth a look if you’re a fan of Discworld. NG: The Watch fascinate me. You get to do hardboiled police procedurals while still writing funny smart books set in a fantastic world. […]


Fantasy Faction Interviews Brandon Sanderson

Fantasy Faction has recorded a half-hour video interview with Brandon Sanderson while he was in Europe recently. The interview has some interesting discussion about The Way of Kings, the upcoming Mistborn sequel, and some of Brandon’s book recommendations. There was also some fresh Mistborn news. The Mistborn (pen-and-paper?) RPG “is a go” and should be […]


And Pottermore is…

More owls slowly appeared on J.K. Rowling’s YouTube channel as the countdown ticked closer to the deadline today. After the clock reached zero, a video was uploaded with an announcement. Pottermore, as it turns out, is not a Massively Multiplayer Online Roleplaying Game, sadly. It might be the next best thing, though. will be, […]


Pottermore: J.K. Rowling’s New Announcement

Four years after the publication of the seventh Harry Potter book, and about a month before the final movie, J. K. Rowling once again is…up to something. A new website,, has gone up. It’s pretty much a fancy “coming soon” page, with an accompanying Twitter profile and a countdown on Rowling’s YouTube channel. Some […]
