The third in the series, Cursor’s Fury takes place two years after the events of the previous Codex Alera book. Tavi is now a full Cursor, going undercover as a military officer in a new Legion that is soon sent to a distant corner of Alera to fight a much larger invasion force of Canim while the rest of Alera’s Legions have their hands full putting down an assault from Kalare.
Cursor’s Fury matches its predecessor for political intrigue and unexpected plot twists. The ending, especially, has a revelation that comes out of nowhere during the last few pages, as well as an unexpected character development right at the end. (You don’t want spoilers, trust me.)
Once the story gets going, the action doesn’t stop and you won’t want to put the book down. Jim Butcher has a real talent for that.
minerva66 September 6th
More than one revelation. One of them is not so sudden. There are allusions to it earlier in the series, but it is more fleshed out at the end of this book. Things begin to make more sense.
Also, Butcher is building more and more of the empire and adding to the non-Citizen characterization. Of those inhabitants, Tavi is the only one of the realm that is communicating with them in a less than hostile manner, thus solidifying his importance, if for no other reason.
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