The Last Battle approaches. While The Gathering Storm primarily tidied up loose ends that Robert Jordan left open in the previous book, Towers of Midnight is a sort of interim novel that sets everything up for the grand conclusion in the upcoming fourteenth installment. At long last, Rand is finally himself again. We got a […]

The Wertzone is reporting that Brandon Sanderson will soon be revisiting his Mistborn series. Sanderson has lately been working on a Mistborn novella as a side project, which is currently 60,000 words and may end up being longer by the time it is finished. Tor will be publishing it in 2011. If that isn’t enough […]
Brandon Sanderson has completed the final chapter of Towers of Midnight, the penultimate installment of the late Robert Jordan’s Wheel of Time series. He updated his Twitter profile a few times with news about it. This is still the first draft, so there’s still work to be done before the publisher takes over. Towers of […]
Warbreaker is one of those fantasy books that is more about a small group’s plans toward a great cause being pulled from its original path and used for a more sinister plan. Magic plays a very small role in this story, loathed by the main characters but surfacing to help them at useful moments. The […]
The penultimate installment in Robert Jordan’s Wheel of Time is officially scheduled to be released on October 26th. Amazon had previously listed the twenty-sixth when they made the book available for pre-order, and Tor has now officially confirmed it. You can pre-order Towers of Midnight on Amazon.
The Well of Ascension is the second novel in Brandon Sanderson’s Mistborn trilogy. It continues shortly after the point where the first left off, The Lord Ruler vanquished and a fledgling parliament taking shape under the oversight of Elend Venture. The city of Luthadel, now ruled by King Elend, faces a multitude of problems in […]
The Way of Kings, the first book in Brandon Sanderson’s new series The Stormlight Archive is currently set to be released on August 17, 2010. What exactly is The Way of Kings? It’s a lengthy book, roughly twice the size of Elantris or Mistborn, and it will be the first in an epic fantasy series […]
Elantris was once the capitol of Arelon. It was called the city of the gods, for its shining walls and workers of wonders. A magical force known as the Shaod would, seemingly at random, transform people into nearly-immortal Elantrians overnight, granting them extraordinary powers, while turning their hair white and their skin an almost-metallic silver. They could heal quickly, move with great strength and speed, and perform magic by simply sketching symbols in the air. The Elantrians healed the injured and created food from nothing, distributing it to the people of the surrounding country of Arelon. There were no kings, just the wise inhabitants of Elantris…
Brandon Sanderson has some good news for those of you who are fans of his Mistborn series: it’s going to be a movie.
The blog update includes a press release along with some thoughts from Sanderson.
After enjoying The Gathering Storm, I wanted to try a Brandon Sanderson original. So I picked up a copy of Mistborn…and had trouble putting it down for the days that followed. Dystopia, politics, an oppressive immortal tyrant, intrigue, magical battles on the city’s rooftops – Mistborn has it all.