In celebration of the much-awaited continuation of the Wheel of Time series, penned by fantasy novelist Brandon Sanderson in the absence of the late Robert Jordan, Tor Books is offering to let us give away three sets of the books that started it all. Three lucky Fantasy Folder readers will receive, by random drawing, Robert […] has a spoiler-free advance review of the upcoming Wheel of Time book, The Gathering Storm up in their forum, following the one Dragonmount had published this July. Yes, our narrator has changed. Sanderson’s writing is more focused on plot, and his style seems to put more weight on making things happen rather than world […]
Master satirist Terry Pratchett’s latest Discworld novel, Unseen Academicals is now available, which once again features the wizards of Ankh-Morpork’s Unseen University. The wizards at Ankh-Morpork’s Unseen University are renowned for many things—wisdom, magic, and their love of teatime—but athletics is most assuredly not on the list. And so when Lord Ventinari, the city’s benevolent […]
As you probably know, the much-awaited twelfth installment in Robert Jordan’s Wheel of Time series will be published late this October. With the release drawing near, the title for the next book has been announced. The thirteenth book in the Wheel of Time epic will be called Towers of Midnight. The publication date is estimated […]
The release date for the much-awaited Wheel of Time book, The Gathering Storm, has been changed. Instead of being released in early November, it will come out two weeks early on October 27th in the US, UK, and Australia. The unabridged audio book will be released the same day. In other news, Scott Westerfeld’s new […]
Fantasy Fan has some images up from the soon-to-be-released Wheel of Time graphic novel. The cover, and the first few pages from “The Wheel of Time #0: Dragonmount.” The cover depicts Lews Therin Telemon from the opening of The Eye of the World, and the pages after show the main characters in Emonds Field, listening […]
If you’ve heard much about the Wheel of Time series, then you probably know that the final book in the series has been in the works for some time by Brandon Sanderson, the author chosen to continue Robert Jordan’s work after he died. The final book, which is supposed to be released sometime this Fall, […]
In the fifth book of The Wheel of Time by Robert Jordan, Rand is focused on his efforts to unite the Aiel and confront the Foresaken one at a time. The rogue Couladin (Aiel false Dragon) leads his followers against Cairhien and razes every village in their path. Rand follows to stop him. He is […]
Red Eagle Entertainment has announced that they are launching a game studio, known as Red Eagle Games, that will be producing a series of video games to go along with their upcoming WoT movies, as well as an MMORPG set in the Wheel of Time world. A Wheel of Time feature-film production is planned with […] recently interviewed Red Eagle Entertainment in regards to the upcoming Wheel of Time: The Eye of the World movie. The brief transcript is now available on their website, and covers quite a lot of ground. Red Eagle Entertainment optioned the WHEEL OF TIME property through a subsidiary about five years ago. Simply put, an […]